BLACK RHODIUM 英國黑金線 --- 與生俱來的動聽音樂感!
ACT-1 感動一號 揚聲器連接線
"ACT 1 is a stunning cable with very well integrated treble and midrange, whilst the bass is firm and detailing extremely capable. A great step up in all round performance delivering a neutral musical balance meaning you listen to and enjoy your music and not the equipment." ---- What HiFi?
- 100% 全手工英國原廠製作 Hand-made in England
- 純銀包銅導體 Silver Plated 6N OFC Copper
- 導體在生產過程中,已經決定了"指向性"
- 矽利康隔離層 polysiloxanes isolation
- 純銀包銅屏閉網 Silver Plated 6N Copper Screen
- 冷凍帶鎖香蕉插頭,冷焊連接,最低介質電容量,低失真原音再現﹗
- 多次榮獲英國權威媒體 "WHAT*Hi Fi?" 及 "Hi Fi News" 年度最佳線材/最高性價比推薦線材等大獎
ACT-1 感動一號揚聲器連接線 Speaker Cable